Think, Lead, Implement, and Operate

For over ten years each, two operating companies – ProudMouth (Podcasts) and Advisable Wealth Engines (FinTech) – have applied their specialties. Recognizing that low-AUM advisory firms share many of the same business, marketing, and operations challenges led to the formation of Advitalize. 

This is not a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all TAMP solution just for investment services. Far from it. Advitalize is a TAMP that is a business solution. Through advanced technology applied to scaled marketing and investment operations, Advitalize has achieved the best of all: smart tools, revealed through a local advisor’s authoritative, expert voice, that deliver personalized client investment solutions. The sum of this is an RIA’s accelerated AUM revenue growth, lower operating costs, higher profits, and bigger firm valuations.

Investment and Portfolio Technology

Advitalize is fueled by Advisable Wealth Engines’ sophisticated platform that brings together investment breadth, top-end portfolio optimization, high-design, AI efficiencies, and essential operating integrations

Kirk Loury

"We believe a local investment advisory relationship is essential for an investor's long-term financial health. Advitalize's mission is to marry 'big firm' investing, marketing, and operations capabilities with a local, independent advisor's agility. We see this as a dominating combination."

Influence Marketing

ProudMouth is the premier podcast production partner for advisors in which this marketing tool seeks to turn an advisor’s expertise into authority in a local market

Rob Howard:
Brand Strategist

"The advisor is the brand, and this brand is an influencing voice that teaches, guides, and implements. This influence stands above the noise and ultimately becomes a community resource for investors seeking long-term financial health."

Kirk Lowe:
Chief Marketing Officer

"Great marketing is a simple symphony. Influence is the music it makes. Successful marketing requires a deep-felt hunger to compete and win, and winning only arrives when the marketing components work in harmony to produce an advisor's influencing voice in a community."

Dave Rossborough:
Marketing Operations and AI Mastermind

"Marketing is active and engaged. It learns and refines. A marketing strategy with focused and demanding execution scales influence that becomes a competitive barrier. AI gives us the edge to continually hone our efficiency."

Lisa Ferguson:
Operations Manager

"Operations these days are about autonomy, being plugged into the client and employee experience, departmental alignment, and process automation. It’s our circulatory system that gives vitality to how we interact with and support advisors."

On-the-Ground Advisor Operations

Advitalize establishes its services, refinements, and executions within MCM Wealth, an operational proving ground

Matt Gropp:
Advisor Success Officer

"A successful investment advisor operates at the intersection of a personal relationship, investing, and operations. It's essential to master all three in a seamless approach that leaves a client with a conviction of "I'm understood and cared for."

Elizabeth Hakim:
Human Capital Manager

"We believe each team member is an extension of an advisor's fiduciary relationship with an investor. Certainly, we select on technical abilities and experience, but we also invest in time and tools to capture each team member's capacity to communicate and be accountable."

Geoff Hakim:
RIA Leadership & Strategy

"I built MCM Wealth to serve investors with innovative investment solutions. Leading an RIA reveals the importance of being the smart mind and calming voice in a personal, client-focused relationship."

Bob Hoyt:
Investment Committee & Investor Relations

"I believe investment due diligence requires a 'guilty until proven innocence' approach. This has served me well in identifying investment strategies, portfolio structures, and investment technology that drive value without distraction."

Brian Jackson:
Operations Specialist

"A smooth-running backoffice that gets work done on time and accurately is a pillar of an advisor's fiduciary relationship with a client. This means efficient day-to-day handling of assets supported with effective communication and documentation."

Soren Peterson:
Investment Analysis & Oversight

"Investment due diligence is a hunt for sustainable processes that are undergirded with objectivity. We achieve objectivity through applied technology."

Ayman Abouhend:
Chief Investment Officer

"My engineering training, math expertise, and CFA have given me the capacity to design and implement advanced optimization algorithms that produce personalized investment portfolios at scale. I believe an investor should see the "me" in their portfolio regardless of investable wealth."